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alias error_func_t = mad_flow function(void*, mad_stream*, mad_frame*)
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alias filter_func_t = mad_flow function(void*, const(mad_stream)*, mad_frame*)
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alias header_func_t = mad_flow function(void*, const(mad_header)*)
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alias input_func_t = mad_flow function(void*, mad_stream*)
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alias mad_fixed64hi_t = int
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alias mad_fixed64lo_t = uint
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alias mad_fixed_t = int
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alias mad_sample_t = int
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alias message_func_t = mad_flow function(void*, void*, uint*)
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alias output_func_t = mad_flow function(void*, const(mad_header)*, mad_pcm*)
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enum _Anonymous_4
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enum _Anonymous_5
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enum _Anonymous_6
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enum mad_decoder_mode
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enum mad_emphasis
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enum mad_error
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enum mad_flag
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enum mad_flow
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enum mad_layer
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enum mad_mode
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enum mad_option
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enum mad_private
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enum mad_units
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ushort mad_bit_crc(mad_bitptr , uint , ushort )
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void mad_bit_init(mad_bitptr* , const(ubyte)* )
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uint mad_bit_length(const(mad_bitptr)* , const(mad_bitptr)* )
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const(ubyte)* mad_bit_nextbyte(const(mad_bitptr)* )
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c_ulong mad_bit_read(mad_bitptr* , uint )
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void mad_bit_skip(mad_bitptr* , uint )
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void mad_bit_write(mad_bitptr* , uint , c_ulong )
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int mad_decoder_finish(mad_decoder* )
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void mad_decoder_init(mad_decoder* , void* , input_func_t , header_func_t , filter_func_t , output_func_t , error_func_t , message_func_t )
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int mad_decoder_message(mad_decoder* , void* , uint* )
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int mad_decoder_run(mad_decoder* , mad_decoder_mode )
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mad_fixed_t mad_f_abs(mad_fixed_t )
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mad_fixed_t mad_f_div(mad_fixed_t , mad_fixed_t )
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int mad_frame_decode(mad_frame* , mad_stream* )
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void mad_frame_finish(mad_frame* )
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void mad_frame_init(mad_frame* )
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void mad_frame_mute(mad_frame* )
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int mad_header_decode(mad_header* , mad_stream* )
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void mad_header_init(mad_header* )
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void mad_stream_buffer(mad_stream* , const(ubyte)* , c_ulong )
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const(char)* mad_stream_errorstr(const(mad_stream)* )
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void mad_stream_finish(mad_stream* )
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void mad_stream_init(mad_stream* )
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void mad_stream_skip(mad_stream* , c_ulong )
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int mad_stream_sync(mad_stream* )
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void mad_synth_frame(mad_synth* , const(mad_frame)* )
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void mad_synth_init(mad_synth* )
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void mad_synth_mute(mad_synth* )
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mad_timer_t mad_timer_abs(mad_timer_t )
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void mad_timer_add(mad_timer_t* , mad_timer_t )
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int mad_timer_compare(mad_timer_t , mad_timer_t )
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c_long mad_timer_count(mad_timer_t , mad_units )
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c_ulong mad_timer_fraction(mad_timer_t , c_ulong )
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void mad_timer_multiply(mad_timer_t* , c_long )
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void mad_timer_negate(mad_timer_t* )
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void mad_timer_set(mad_timer_t* , c_ulong , c_ulong , c_ulong )
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void mad_timer_string(mad_timer_t , char* , const(char)* , mad_units , mad_units , c_ulong )
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Manifest constants

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enum MAD_F_ONE;
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struct mad_bitptr
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struct mad_decoder
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struct mad_frame
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struct mad_header
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struct mad_pcm
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struct mad_stream
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struct mad_synth
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struct mad_timer_t
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